Rwanda Safer Internet Forum 2023

The 2023 edition of Rwanda Safer Internet Forum (RWSIF) was held on the 30th June 2023 at Lemigo Hotel, Kigali – Rwanda to engage Rwandan community in the discussions related to the child online safety to raise awareness on the importance of both a safer and better Internet for children and youth.

The Forum brought together the government, private sector, civil society, the technical and academic community, media, and the public for policy dialogue on Internet governance. This type of collaborative engagement, commonly referred to as the multistakeholder model, outlined the key features of the Internet’s success. The model was paramount in ensuring a sustainable Internet ecosystem for economic and social development.

The Theme of this year edition was children’s privacy in the age of social media. This theme outlined the basis of children’s rights to privacy and parental rights to freedom of publication, analyse the nuances of the conflict between children’s rights and parental rights,and offered best practices for community members engaged in sharenting to consider in preserving children’s privacy.

RELATED ARTICLE :   Be Ready for Safer Internet Day (SID) 2021.